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Getting There
Distance from Durban:
How to get there:
Head South out of Durban and take the R61 along the South coast. Pass Margate and South Broom and continue for another 10 km.Turn left at the Mpenjati Nature reserve sign board into Palm beach. Continue straight along until you get to the car park at the beach.
Kitespots Near
San Lameer -Marina beach
Palm Beach
Leisure Bay
Margate Beach
Kitespot Description
Wind Direction:NE, E, SW
Best months:
All year round
Palm beach or also known as Mpenjati Nature reserve is south of Durban and offers excellent conditions in SW winds.
The lagoon is part of the reserve but can used for kite surfers.Its long right hander with sandy/reef that breaks from 100m out and epic running waves theres always a channel in big swell ,and also is the longest beach from trafalgar south 3km perfect for first time riders
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