Home / Kwazulu Natal / Sodwana Bay

Location / Kwazulu Natal / Sodwana Bay

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Getting There

Sodwana Bay is located approximately 340km North of Durban - a short 3hr drive.

Kitespots Near

Sodwana Bay

St Lucia Estuary

Kitespot Description

Wind Direction:E, NE

Best Months:
All year round

Sodwana is a world renowned diving location but it is probably the best kitesurfing location within South Afirca as it has the most wind throughout the year than any other spot. Add to this clean unspoiled beaches and the warm Indian Ocean current and surf.

One of the real added benefits is that this spot is one of the few beaches in the country that allows beach access to 4x4 vehicles - this allows you to set up for the day away from the main beach. Each year the kitesurfing community participates in the Sodwana Bay Kitesurfing Festival held in Oct/November. Below are pictures taken from the 2007 and 2008 event!

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