Home / Mauritius - Indian Ocean / Mauritius - La Morne

Location / Mauritius - Indian Ocean / Mauritius - La Morne

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    Getting There

    Kitespots Near

    Mauritius - La Morne

    Mauritius - The North

    Mauritius - East Coast

    Mauritius - Kuxville

    Kitespot Description

    Wind Direction:E, ESE, S

    Best Months:
    May - Oct


    It is the Southern end of the West coast that offer the best Kite and windsurfing conditions. Beginners and confirmed kiters can enjoy the vastness of the La Prairie / Baie du Cap lagoon, providing a shallow and safe environment and allows downwind glides to Le Morne. The Le Morne spot is the winner of all spots of Mauritius. Due to the landscape that strongly boosts the prevailing South-Easterly winds in winter. The spot is always crowded, especially on weekends where there are several swimmers in addition to kiters and windsurfers. Strong currents can take the beginners by surprise and pull them outside the lagoon in seconds. There are a number of reefs to kite on. Wanname Reef is the furthest about 800m out and offers a cross shore wave. Swells vary from 1 m – 8m Small reef is close in and offers numerous sized waves. Watch out for the windsurfers here, this is Culb Mistral waters. Then there is the famous One Eye, not for the intermediate or beginner. This is truly a world class wave that offers only experienced riders a dream come true wave riding session. Rescue outside the lagoon is not an easy task due to rough sea conditions and swells. A rescue by one of the rescue boats will cost you depending on which reef you were picked up on anything from R500 – R2500. There is a remote place with a very shallow lagoon with excellent consistant inshore wind. This place is visited by locals that are regulars at this venue.

    KiteBnB.com offers the best choice of accommodation for kitesurfers in Le Morne / Mauritius.

    Annual Wind Conditions

    Wind | Knots <5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <20 <20 <20 <20 <15 <15 <5