Home / Mozambique / Barra Beach

Location / Mozambique / Barra Beach

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28°16'51.52"N 114°6'40.55"W

Kitespots Near

White Sands Lagoon

Barra Beach

Tofo Kite Beach

Murrebue - Pemba

Ponta Do Oura

Kitespot Description

Wind Direction:

This is the beach off Barra Lodge, nice cross shore wind in a ENE to E wind. Clean but small waves if there is a SE swell running.Starting North from the top, around the tip of the bay, a north facing beach. Exposed to North Easterly swells it's a good quality beach break at low tide. The region extends from the Ruvuma River separating Tanzania and Mozambique to the southerly Lurio River south of Mecufi. The whole coastal region has pretty much the same winds similar sea conditions. When planning, please be aware of the fact that the local hospital (the only one is in Pemba, and is currently undergoing renovation and upgrade) can only provide basic treatment. To be on the safe side, try and take out a medical insurance policy which includes emergency evacuation.

Pros & Cons:

Mozambique is very remote, so getting there can be a mission. Its best to plan your trip from South Africa using various tour groups or kite schools.Malaria and other tropical diseases are rife here, so make sure you have done your homework on medical vaccinations. Hospitals are are poor and it is wise to take out medical insurance. There are lots of dive boats near the reefs, so heads up for the diving buoys.

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Annual Wind Conditions

Wind | Knots <20 <20 <20 <20 <10 <10 <15 <15 <20 <20 <20 <20