Home / Kwazulu Natal / San Lameer -Marina beach

Location / Kwazulu Natal / San Lameer -Marina beach

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Getting There

Distance from Durban:

How to get there:
Head South out of Durban and take the R61 along the South coast. Pass Margate and South Broom and continue for another 12 km.Turn left at the Marina Beach sign board into Marina Rd. Continue straight along Marina Rd until you get to the car park at the beach.

Kitespots Near

San Lameer -Marina beach

Palm Beach

Leisure Bay

Margate Beach

Kitespot Description

Wind Direction:

Best months:
All year round

San Lameer is south of Durban and offers excellent conditions in both the NE and SW winds.

The rocky out crop in the bay is a perfect point break in the SW and SE winds and offers a left and right break off the rocks.

This beach provides some big waves after a Westerly has blown,but if the NE picks up it becomes blown out and choppy although if the sand bank is there, it provides an awesome wave, which can closeout out with a dumper.

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Annual Wind Conditions